Robin (First SEEN)

Date: 02/16/2000

Number: 1

I was driving down Pegg Rd. about 8 km southwest of Smiths Falls near the hamlet of Rideau Ferry. Suddenly a flock of birds flew up from the side of the road ahead of me. I had trouble counting them but I believe there were 27 in the flock. I watched as long as I could. They were definitely robins. Identity was verified by my passenger. I have never seen robins in the winter in such a big flock in this area before. Occasionally I see one which appears to have suffered through the winter here but these ones were quite lively. Weather was cloudy, temp -3 C and about 30cm of snow on the ground, cumulative from recent storms.

Smiths Falls, ON

Latitude: 44.9 Longitude: -76

Observed by: Francis
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