Robin (First SEEN)

Date: 02/23/2000

Number: 1

This morning we saw six robins in a mixed flock of robins and grackles. They were on the ground in a field by our school, pecking and jumping around. It's unusually warm for Michigan this time of year. Today may go up to 60 degrees; we guess it's around 45 degrees now. The snow is melting in most places. It's wet and muddy and the ground is starting to thaw. Yesterday everywhere was covered with thick slush. We listened and heard a robin, and also a cardinal singing its spring song. We saw a killdeer too, so signs of spring are here!
We found a robin nest, from last year. Little bits of blue egg shell were in the botttom of it.
We hope to see more robins very soon. We think that the ones that we saw today are migratory and not overwinterers because we've seen no robins before this.
Signed, Connie Weber's class

Ann Arbor, MI

Latitude: 42.3 Longitude: -83.8

Observed by: Connie
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