Oriole (1st Baltimore)

Date: 04/19/2000

Number: 1

Forwarded by Don Davis, Toronto, ON:


Sorry to respond now, but I don't own a computer.
Last Wednesday and Thursday (April 19 and 20/00)at least 3 staff at Ojibway Nature Centre near Windsor, ON, said they had a Baltimore Oriole near their feeder in West Windsor. I could
not find it and Paul Pratt did not see it. Paul is
the winner of the World Series of Birding and
he should be contacted. If you go to Altavista and
type in Ojibway Windsor you can get his E-mail

Hummingbirds have been seen in Michigan so any day
they will be seen at Pelee or Ojibway.

Good luck on your project.

Fred Urie

Windsor, ON

Latitude: 42.3 Longitude: -83

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