Monarch Egg (FIRST sighted)

Date: 04/29/2000

Number: 1

Contributed by Monarch Watch

I found Monarch eggs on April 29 on emerging milkweed around a farm pond that had its grass burnt off this spring. I collected 25 eggs on leaves, then I quit collecting, but know there were more eggs out there. I have had 9 larva hatch as of this evening, hope the rest will make it, too.
My husband has seen 3 adult Monarch butterflies over period from April 27 thru 30th. The weather was sunny/partly cloudy with temperature about 65-70 deg. Sex and condition of butterflies unknown. 1 was seen flying around apple tree. 1 was around flowers in garden. 1 was high flying to the northeast. Our location is 9 miles southeast of Butler, Missouri. x

Butler, MO

Latitude: 38.3 Longitude: -94.3

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