Date: 05/01/2000
Number: 1
Forwarded by Don Davis, Toronto, ON:
Hi Don,
Just to let you know, we've had two of out your three target species. On May 1st, the first Baltimore Orioles (2) and Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (4) were seen at Old Cut. These are the first, to my knowledge, for the Long Point area. We're on the lookout for Monarchs - I'll keep you posted.
Ian Richards
Research Assistant - Important Bird Areas
Bird Studies Canada / ĂȘtudes d'Oiseaux Canada
P.O. Box 160, Port Rowan, ON, N0E 1M0
ph 519-586-3531 ext 218, fax 519-586-3532
Old Cut, ON
Latitude: 42.4 Longitude: -80.2
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