
Date: 10/15/2000

Number: 1

I have maintained a backyard refuge for many years, attracting wildlife of all kinds. I am feanced off from a canal which helps protect from the alligators, but other creatures such as varies wading birds, ducks and birds venture into my backyard for a visit. The butterflies are abundunt, i see daily such species as the Skipper, Yellow Black Swallowtail, Painted Lady, Dagger, etc ... the Monarch is prevailant at fall time.
I received a certificate from the Wildlife Fish & Game Dept in being able to sight over 100 different species of birds, most from the backyard, i see everyday things like Ibis, flocks of Monk Parrot, Cooper & Whitetail Halk, Osspry, Cardnial - ocassionaly the rare Whopping Crane and Hummingbirds and many wintering birds from fall to spring.
I have approx. 300 varities of plants growing, all to many to mention, i provide water in 4 birdbaths all set in diffrent locations around the yard. There are sunny gardens and damp gardens - i also place large ground level w

Boca Raton, FL

Latitude: 26.3 Longitude: -80.1

Observed by: Nikki
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