Nectar Consumption

Keep track of the nectar hummingbirds are consuming at your feeders this summer. You might be surprised to learn not only how much they consume, but also how their life cycle is related to eating patterns throughout the season.

Keep Track Each Time You Fill
Use a chart to keep track each time you fill your feeders. Record the date and the amount. 

Make a Graph
Were there times when it seemed you were constantly filling the feeders? Make sense of your data with a graph. We tracked consumption at our feeders last summer and then converted the data into a sample bar graph.

Study Your Results
Chances are that you will see a pattern emerge of the consumption during the course of the season. 

What We Learned
We were fascinated at what we saw happening at our feeders last summer: 

  • High consumption upon arrival
  • Lull during early summer as birds shift to insects & other natural sources of food
  • Sudden consumption increase in late July when fledglings appear at feeders
  • High consumption volume continues during pre-migration
  • Volume slowly decreases as first males, then females, and finally young leave

Tell Us What You See
Let us know what is happening at your feeders this season!