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Challenge Question #3
John Soehnlein (jwsoehnl@sdb.k12.wi.us)
Sun, 15 Feb 1998 20:02:39 -0600
Jennifer Le
6th Grade
Aldrich Middle School
Beloit, WI 53511
I think the whole world is responsible. There are animals already
extinct and it's the world's fault. We're not devoting enough time to our
environment and soon we will not be here. Anything that is taken out of
this world affects the ecosystem. Too many people do not care about our
environment and animals. All we care about is money. The wealthy countries
should donate to the poorer countries to help save their animals and
environment. If we don't do something soon, it'll be too late when the
danger that is affecting the Monarchs is affecting humans. The only way I
seem to be able to help is to educate and inform people.