Jim Gilbert

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Journey North
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Challenge Question #4
Jay Phillips (jsphilli@access.k12.wv.us)
Wed, 25 Feb 1998 14:40:41 -0800
Dear Journey North,
We found that Carmen's family spends $3.60 on the whole family and $.45
per person each week. The students were amazed and said that their
families spent much, much more than that each week. One student's
school lunch here costs $1.00 a day so just that would be $5.00 for the
week much more than all Carmen's family's expenses.
The students thought of all the other expenses that their families had
each week.
* renting or buying a place to live
* food
* clothing
* electricity and gas (heating and cooking)
* paying for hobbies
* cars
* phone bill
* water
* some have cable TV
* taxes
Mr. Phillips's Third Grade from Kanawha School in Davisville, West