American Robin
James C. Leupold - USFWS

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Robin Feeding

Karen DeCrane (
Tue, 3 Mar 1998 14:57:07 -0500

I can answer the question "What do Robins eat when earthworms are not
available" because I raised an abandoned baby robin last summer. My robin
preferred large, juicy earthworms, but when we started getting her ready to
go back into the wild, she ate almost any kind of bug, insect or worm that
caught her eye. She didn't like crickets, but would eat grasshoppers, at
least the soft parts of them. She didn't like ants, but she was bitten by
some and that could be why. She ate corn kernels, wheat seeds, and bird
seed. She probably ate berries also, although we didn't try them with her.

B.J. DeCrane