Monarch Butterfly


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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2000 Reports

From: Allison Bailey (
Date: Wed Mar 08 2000 - 05:45:33 EST

  • Next message: Jill Oakes: "challenge question#6"

    Our class worked in small groups to brainstorm reasons why the "cloud
    effect" might occur and what purpose it may serve. Here are some or the
    things we came up with.

    Because it could rain on the monarch butterflies and they couldn't fly
    because the pressure of the rain could make the butterflies die.

    I think they are going into the trees together when the clouds cover the
    sun because they think it is going to rain.

    They stay together so they will be dry.

    They stay together so they will be warm.

    They are trying to get away from the rain and get in the tree.

    So they don't get wet, because if they get wet their wings might get
    soft and they might fall off. They might have to leave before they get

    Because when they get wet they can't fly and they might fall and mouses
    might eat them.

    They all go together because if a predator comes they will get away.

    The butterflies stay together because the predators run away because
    they think it is one big cloud and run.

    Miss Bailey's 2nd/3rd Grade Multiage Class
    Citrus Elementary School
    Vero Beach, FL

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