Monarch Butterfly


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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2000 Reports

From: Collins, Becky (Faculty - collinsra) (
Date: Mon Apr 10 2000 - 16:16:13 EDT

  • Next message: Janice MacKinnon: "challenge question #25"

    I usually don't ask my 4-year-old students the challenge questions since
    they usually require more mature thinking skills than we have yet developed.
    However, while looking at last week's migration map, with only one sighting
    on it, the question was raised. I thought I would have to suggest some
    ideas, but several children volunteered their thoughts. They had some
    pretty good ideas! I have listed them below:
    - "Maybe they were tired!" (after flying so far)
    -"Maybe they liked where they were."
    -"Maybe they were still caterpillars." (meaning that the eggs laid by
    Monarchs returning from Mexico haven't had time to grow into butterflies
    -"They needed food, water, rest, and sunshine." (implying that they
    wouldn't have gotten that in TN last week. We had cool temps, flooding, and
    no milkweed growing yet.)
    Pretty good comments! Our thinking skills are soaring on the wings of

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