Whooping Crane Whooping Crane
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Note: These Challenge Questions coincide with the Spring 2006 Reports

Whooper Question #9

From: by way of Journey North <dfirmani@earthlink.net>
Date: Mon Apr 17 2006 - 17:58:35 EDT

Dear Journey North,

It takes approximately 30 days for whoopers to incubate, so these pairs' eggs should hatch on the following dates:

#101 and #202: May 7th
#213 and #218: May 6th
#203 and #317: May 7th
#211 and #217: May 11th

Whooping cranes lay two eggs, but only one young usually survives, because the one that hatches first gets a head start and is aggressive toward the second one. They lay two eggs to be on the safe side. If they can raise both chicks, they do, but if one chick is weak or doesn't make it for some reason, they have the second one as a "backup."

Marcus F.
Sixth Grade, Home Schooled, Mt. Airy, Maryland
Received on Mon Apr 17 17:58:44 2006

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