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Weather and Songbird Migration
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Dear Journey North Readers,

Well, while it is still slower than I thought, migration is starting to pick up. Several days of clear skies and southerly winds have allowed migrants to make some progress. The big winners of the week were Florida and Alabama, which saw a large arrival of migrants over the past few days, including 15 species of warblers! Among the new arrivals were Black-throated-blue Warblers, Wood Thrushes, and Great Crested Flycatchers.

Moving into April

April 6, 2023 by Team Journey North

April is here and spring bird migration is gaining momentum. What birds are you noticing? Report your first observations of Baltimore and Bullock's Orioles, Barn Swallows, Common Loons, and Red-winged Blackbirds to Journey North. For other species, use the "All Other Signs of Spring" reporting category.

April is here and spring bird migration is gaining momentum. What birds are you noticing? Report your first observations of Baltimore and Bullock's Orioles, Barn Swallows, Common Loons, and Red-winged Blackbirds to Journey North. For other species, use the "All Other Signs of Spring" reporting category.
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