Monarch Butterfly

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From: ckranz (
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 13:18:00 EDT

  • Next message: Susan Richards: "Fwd: winter over butterflies"

    Dear Friends,
    Our class received butterflies that were taken care of by Juana Gonzalez
    Martinez. They spent the winter with butterflies with others from 11 states
    and Canada.

    Here are where ours came from:

    Council Elementary School in Council, ID
    Lynwood Intermediate School in Lynwood, WA
    lakeview Elementary School in Ridley, PA
    Plainfield School in Saginaaw, MI
    Watchung School, in Montclair, NJ
    Duncan Chapel Elementary in Greenville, SC
    Arundel Elementary School in Arundel, Quebec Canada
    Wings of Paradise in Cambridge, ON
    Wentworh Intermediate in Scarborough, Maine
    Rieck Avenue School in Millville, NJ
    Waimea Canyon SChool, In Waimea, Hawaii
    Patwin School in Davis, CA
    Stuart M. Townsend Middle School In Lake Luzerne, NY

    We hope you have a wonderful summer!!
    Mrs. Kranz' Kindergarten in Chicago Heights, IL

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