Monarch Butterfly

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From: Susan Richards (
Date: Tue May 27 2003 - 13:17:58 EDT

  • Next message: olopschool: "Butterflies landed at Our Lady of Peace School in MI from CT, GA, IO, MO, MS, NE, NJ, PA, WI"

    Dear Friends,
             Our class recieved Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this
    by a Mexican student named German Medina of Angangueo, Michoacan. They
    spent the winter in Mexico clustered with butterflies from other places.

    Here are the schools where the butterflies we recieved came from:

    Hannah Beardsley Middle School in Crystal Lake, IL
    Bristol Elementary in St. Louis, MO (two)
    Bristol Primary in St. Loui, MO
    Dighton Elementary School in Dighton, MA (two)
    Johnson School in Nahant, MA (two)
    Willard H.S. in WIllard, MO
    Paradise High School in Paradise, CA (two)
    Saltillo, COAM., Mex. (four)
    Jefferson Elementary School in Oregon, IL (two)
    Holland Hall Primary School in Tulsa, OK

    Winslow Elementary School in Winslow, Maine


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