Monarch Butterfly

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From: Judy Huter (
Date: Fri Apr 30 2004 - 13:26:23 EDT

  • Next message: Trish Kittrell: "Butterflies from Canada, FL, IA, IN, Mexico, NC, NE, NJ, TN, and TX landed at Pinewood Heights Elementary School in Williamson County TN"

    Our class received 12 Symbolic Butterflies that were cared for this
    winter by a Mexican student named Abigail Sotosanchez, Grade 4,
    San Cristobal, esc. redencion del Campesino. Many thanks to
    Abigail for watching over our symbolic butterflies. Also, we would
    like to thank German, Medino from Angangueo, Michoacan.

    These butterflies overwintered together with butterflies from 4
    different states, one province, and butterflies from Mexico.

    Hillside Elementary School, Omaha, NE
    Norwood Elementary, Stonewood, W V
    Manchester Memorial School, Manchester, MA
    Riker HIll, Livingsotn, NJ grade 3
    Brooks Crossing, grade 2, NJ
    White Hall School, Williamstown, NJ
    St. Veronica School, grade 2, Dorval, Quebec
    Esc. Sec. Tec. No. 81 from Mexico, (4)
    Esc. Sec. Tec. No. 82 from Mexico (1)

    We've enjoyed the process of learning about the Monarch Butterfly
    migration. We thank everyone along the way for the effort put forth
    to make this a successful adventure.

    Mrs. Huter and the 4th grade class of 2003-2004
    Judy Huter
    Council Elementary School

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