Journey North,
The 2:1 (that's 2 adults, 1 chick)
Whooping crane family first observed March 27
in south
certainly demonstrates that spring Whooping crane migration is
underway! These are the only observations I've received in the
Flyway, confirmed or otherwise. There
are very likely other Whooping cranes in the Flyway, given the
strong south winds of a week ago.
March 28: Enjoy this
video clip (2:38) of family's migration stopover! It aired
on UTube and was taken by Joel Jorgensen, Nongame Bird Program
at NE Game and Parks Commission.>> |
February 20, a lone juvenile whooper was observed in the Platte
Valley, and was still here at least until March 26.
We assume this is the lone juvenile that spent nearly 7 weeks in
southern Nebraska last fall, and then moved to central Oklahoma
until mid-January. Although "Junior" wintered by itself,
it likely joined some some sandhill cranes migrating to the Platte
Valley. Although it's a stretch to consider "Junior" part
of the push of spring migration, it has begun!