Journey North News: Winter & Spring 2011

Posted Fridays: Feb. 11, 25, Mar. 11, 25, Apr. 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 13

FINAL Whooping Crane Migration Update: May 13, 2011
The journey north winds down and the first chicks for the Class of 2011 have hatched! See what's ahead for the fast-growing fluff-balls in our video clip and slide shows. New nests and chicks in Wisconsin create excitement, and nesting conditions in Canada are good. We end the season with tribute, celebration, and news of changes ahead. Thanks for joining us!
Photo: Operation Migration
Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 29, 2011 
Excitement grows as the annual cycle continues. The first Western cranes have reached their Canadian nesting grounds and Eastern cranes have 16 nests. This photo makes us wonder: how many eggs does it take to make another Whooping crane egg? It's time for the yearlings to leave mom and dad. Next report: baby chicks!

Photo: Vickie Henderson
Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 22, 2011 
The race to the north continues! The last two crane-kids began migration from Florida on April 17. Several cranes of the Western flock are in the home stretch to Canada. At least 15 nests are the big news in Wisconsin. Do nesting math to calculate when the first chicks could hatch. Also, this season's answers to Ask the Expert!

Photo Klaus Nigge
Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 15, 2011 
The first whoopers have crossed into Canada and only 10 remain in Texas. Two youngsters stubbornly remain in Florida while most of their Eastern flockmates are back in Wisconsin, where nesting has begun! Calculate this week's migration math for #6-10's journey north. Celebrate freedom for the Louisiana cranes with this week's video clip and salute Tom Stehn's help for cranes.

Photo Sue Kersey

Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 8, 2011 
Sunny skies and south winds lured six more of the 2010 chicks northward this week! Two remain in Florida. Many Aransas cranes migrated too. Discover what you don't know about crane territories and learn what clues cranes show when they're about to migrate. What is so astonishing about a mixed crane pair that began migration this week?

Photo Klauss Nigge

Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 4, 2011
Weather slowed the migration this week. The 8 remaining crane-kids are still in Florida, but a few more cranes reached the finish line in Wisconsin. Which cranes in the Western flock are hurrying a bit and what makes them special? Calculate some migration math and join a crane family at their migration stopover in a video clip. In this image, which way is the wind coming from, and how can you tell?
Photo Laura Erickson
Whooping Crane Migration Update: March 25, 2011
Whoop, whoop and away! On the first day of spring, two of the 2010 youngsters wintering at St. Marks began their first journey north. The first birds to leave Texas have been reported in Kansas, while a whopping 48 older cranes in the Eastern Flock have landed on the Wisconsin nesting grounds. Cranes migrate in small groups that leave at different times. How does this help the species survive?
Photo Laura Erickson
Whooping Crane Migration Update: March 11, 2011
The first cranes from both migratory flocks are northward bound! Learn how to tell a Whooping crane from other big black-and-white birds. Does our image of the week show a Whooping crane? Meet Al and Diane, the Western flock’s most productive pair.

Photo Jeannette Parker
Whooping Crane Migration Update: February 25, 2011
Happy news comes from the wintering grounds of both migratory flocks: A record number of 181 Whooping cranes have been confirmed at Aransas NWR, and the ten ultralight-led chicks are maturing at the two Florida release pens. Why are blue crabs so important to cranes, and how do they eat those clawed crustaceans? This week's photos, video clip, stories and field reports are packed with fascinating facts as we wait for migration to begin. Photo: Laura Erickson
Whooping Crane Migration Update: February 11, 2011
The youngest cranes of both flocks have safely migrated hundreds of miles to their wintering grounds. They are busy exploring and learning. See what the youngster in this photo just discovered!
Visit both flocks on their wintering grounds in this week's slideshows and field notes. Learn to identify the new flock's Class of 2010 crane-kids by their banding codes. Welcome to a historic new season! Photo Diane Loyd

Welcome and Orientation
What endangered species stands nearly five feet tall with a wingspan wider than most cars? Whooping Cranes! Our reports begin on February 11, when these magnificent birds are on their wintering grounds.
Regular WHOOPING CRANE SPRING MIGRATION UPDATES will be posted here on Fridays. (See schedule above.) Get ready for the journey north adventure! Photo Operation Migration




Journey North is pleased to feature this educational adventure made possible by the
Whooping Crane Eastern Partnership (WCEP).