Class of 2010 in Florida: All GONE!
April 22, 2011
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Chassahowitzka NWR

Cranes #15-10 and #16-10 began their migration on April 17. They stayed 13 days after their three flock mates migrated.

I lost the chicks the morning of April 19 in NE Alabama. Because they were in a not-so-great spot in regards to the mountains, I sat on the ridge to wait for them to leave. It was foggy and drizzly up there so at 10 a.m., I went back down to check on them again. They were gone!

I figured they had made a local movement somewhere and started looking for them. I looked for the next 6 hours. I never found them. I can only guess that they popped over the ridge, flying really low, and either landed somewhere farther north or continued migrating (the fog and drizzle had completely cleared before noon).

I decided that it would probably be pointless to keep looking. (I've searched many hours for birds before with no luck and it's insanely frustrating.) So I 'gave up' and just headed back to Wisconsin to get a handle what's happening here.

Where are they now? When will they be home in Wisconsin? Stay tuned!


ICF tracker Eva Szyszkoski

ICF tracking field Manager Eva tracked the last two chicks north until she lost their signal April 19.