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Orioles Crossing Texas Too
Baltimore Orioles are also crossing Texas on their way to their winter home in Central America. Harlen Aschen reports from the Texas Gulf coast:

"There are no nectar flowers, no nothing, with drought, so everyone is trying to help as much as possible. There was a big fight in the back yard between Ruby-throated Hummingbirds and Baltimore Orioles today. Both want the same feeders and the orioles win that battle every time! The orioles aren't shy about it, they drop out of the sky and take over. Reports from all over the state are coming in. One said they had 30 to 40 Baltimore Orioles at one time earlier this week. We are all putting out more feeders, keeping them full and fresh, and putting out fresh oranges." Photo: Harlen Aschen

Hummingbird sitting in a woman's finger.