Migration Update: October 26, 2012
Please Report
Your Sightings!

Week #10: Still Seeing Hummingbirds? Let Us Know!
How long will hummingbirds continue to be seen in the north? This week we share one observer's surprise. Tell us what you see! Late-season observations are valuable, so please help us document when and where hummingbirds are present. Next week we'll wrap up the season.

Migration Map
Hummingbird fall sightings
Animation | Live Map
Highlights from the Migration Trail

A First!

Hummingbirds are still around, and still bringing delight. Please continue to let us know what you are seeing, and next week we'll wrap up the season. Here's a highlight from the past week:

"I have seen here, for the first time ever, two Anna's Hummingbirds—1 male and one female," wrote Deb in Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada on Oct. 21.

You can read all of the observations here.

Images of the Week

Adult Male Allen's Hummingbird
A Beautiful Surprise!
The final FALL Hummingbird Migration Update is next week: Nov. 2, 2012.