Staying All Winter
Within the last decade, research by field ornithologists has shown that individual hummingbirds of a dozen species winter in the U.S. They stay mostly in the Southwest, but are becoming more common in the Southeast. Rufous Hummingbirds are the most common species to winter in the East, but smaller numbers of other species are reported each year. Observers reported Black-chinned Hummingbirds, which are exceptionally widespread and may winter along the Gulf Coast. Others reported Anna's, which typically do not migrate but may wander up- and downs lope following seasonal food resources.

"At least 4, possibly 5 Anna's Hummingbirds remain here throughout the winter. They have done this for the last five or more years. I keep feeders up year round." Colleen H. in Vancouver, Washington 10/23/14

Male Anna's Hummingbird

John Doerper