Highlights from the Migration Trail
What Can You Learn from Observers?

(Back to Today's Update - April 17, 2008)

What can you learn about hummingbirds and their migration based on what observers report? Read this week's highlights, then discuss one thing you learned and one question you'd have for each observer.

Old Fort, NC (3rd graders): We were so excited to see our first hummer today. We've had the feeders up in anticipation. We had just come in from doing some yardwork and there he was drinking away. We hope the return of the cold doesn't last long so they will stay.

Monroe City, IN: This female was the earliest sighting for me (04/12/2008). I fed 190 pounds of sugar to hummingbirds last year.

Bradyville, TN: The "boyz" are back in town. Saw our first male last night and saw two sparring around one of the feeders this morning. They are on time as usual. We live higher up and for some reason they don't get here as early as some around us. Since we have been putting up feeders and planting flowers for them, they show up around the 9th or 10th of April every year.