"Heddy" the Allen's Hummingbird
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Heddy the Allen's Hummingbird

Nesting Season
Heddy is an Allen’s Hummingbird nesting outside a home in the San Fernando Valley near Los Angeles, California.

The female Allen’s Hummingbird builds a nest, protects her eggs, and feeds her babies all by herself. After incubating the eggs for about 17 days, she’ll feed her chicks flower nectar and small insects, until they fledge at 22-28 days old.


Presented by explore.org
and Cornell Lab of Ornithology

Featured Photos
Heddy and her chicks, Breeze and Clover
Heddy the Allen's Hummingbird
Two Eggs
Heddy the Allen's Hummingbird
Three Days Old
Heddy the Allen's Hummingbird
Ready to Fledge