Puffins at Seal Island
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Puffin Chick with Parent

The puffins have left Seal Island for the winter!

Three puffin cams are located on Seal Island, 21 miles off the coast of Maine. Until the sea birds return in the spring, check out this past season's highlights:

Watch for...
Here's the typical timing for nesting events:

May 16: Single Egg Laid
June 5: Incubation (39-43 days)
June 28: Egg Hatched
July 29: Puffling One Month Old
August 11: Puffling Pal Fledged

* Dates are from 2014


Atlantic Puffins spend most of their time at sea. They only come to land during the breeding season, from April to August. They nest inside burrows in colonies on northern seacoasts and rocky islands. The rest of the year, puffins are on the open ocean.

The Atlantic Puffin is the only species of puffin found on the Atlantic coast. Maine's Seal Island is home to about 500 of these colorful, pigeon-sized sea birds.

Viewing Season
April - August

Video Clips
A Puffin Comes Out of Its Shell
Discover the Puffins of Seal Island
Loafing Around

Curious Ways
Keeping Busy

For the Classroom
Viewing Guide

Presented by
explore.org and Audubon