Signs of the Seasons: December

From sunrise to sunset, how does your daylight compare with other locations on the globe? Report for December 1st, then use the photoperiod map as a springboard for discovery. Also this month, experience the seasonal phenomenon of bald eagle and salmon migrations happening right now in Alaska.

equinox map

How's YOUR Daylight?
Report Dates:
First day of each month and
December 22, March 20,
June 20.

Signs of Fall: Eagles and Salmon in Alaska

Two Migrations Interconnected
As Alaska plummets into the darkest days of the year, a sensational phenomenon is occurring. Open water in rivers near Haines bring a late salmon run. Bald eagles arrive by the thousands to gorge on the spawning fish.

Click on each photo to follow along as Pam Randles, Education Director for the Takshanuk Watershed Council describes this amazing migration story. (Stay tuned for additional photos and updates.)


eagle and salmon migration gallery
Follow Along!
Haines, Alaska is the epicenter of bald eagle and salmon migrations in late fall.

Report Your Obervations

Observe the natural world. Look for patterns of seasonal change, then report observations from your part of the world.

Signs and the Seasons for January: A reminder will be posted on January 1, 2012