Signs of Spring: Observations for February
  • Burley, Idaho 2/26/10
    Buds on bushes starting to emerge. Yay!
  • Coventry, Connecticut 2/26/10
    We saw three pair of Mallard ducks in a corn field near my home. They were splashing around in a very large puddle.
  • Charleston, South Carolina 2/26/10
    THE COOPER SCHOOL students spotted two honey bees in the garden. They also spotted the camellias blooming.
  • Oakwood, Ontario 2/25/10
    This morning, I saw 5 Horned Larks fly across the road and land on the shoulder .
  • Roanoak, Virginia 2/23/10
    First crocus are up and blooming.
  • Sydenham, Ontario 2/21/10
    Just received the first butterfly sighting for 2010. A Milbert's Tortoiseshell was seen and photographed yesterday (2/21) at a home on Rutledge Road just east of Sydenham, which is north of Kingston (east end of Lake Ontario). It was actively flying around and landing on the roof of the house.