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Winter Solstice in the Alaskan Interior
long shadows

Here in Shageluk, Alaska, at the Innoko River School, we decided it would be fun to measure our shadows on the day of the Winter Solstice; the shortest day of the year! The sun sits very, very low in the sky at mid-day where we live. We needed to drive to our runway to find a spot big enough and flat enough where we could stand in the sunlight and get a shadow measurement. We also took shadow measurements Sept 21, the first day of fall.

  • Fall Equinox Shadow Measurements: 12 - 15 feet long

On the solstive we almost ran out of room on our airport apron measuring our GIANT shadows!! Measuring shadows that length is very difficult. You can see the end from where you're standing, but when you actually follow the meter tape it is hard to see the top of the shadow, it's just too long!

  • Winter Solstice Shadow Measurements: 180 feet long

We had to run in the truck to warm up, it was so cold! (-23) We had fun anyway and look forward to another measurement during the Spring equinox, March 20!

sun on the airstrip dressed for -23 measurement engineers
Sunset at 3PM in Shageluk. The shadows were so long they spanned the length of the airport landing strip. We dress warm with a lot of layers. It is 23 degrees below zero today. Back in the truck after our work measuring shadows.