Signs of the Seasons: January

The winter solstice has passed. The long shadows of the winter solstice will change as we move toward the spring equinox. Many other clues will hint that the season is changing. What will they be? That's for you to discover and report what you find!

Today's Reminder Includes:

sun on the airstrip

Giant Shadows in Alaska

Report Changes in Daylight: January 1

Report for January 1st! Put your dot on the map to tell the story about sunlight in your hometown. As seasons change in both Hemispheres, use the photoperiod map as a springboard for discovery.


equinox map
Report for January 1

Global Changes: Animated Daylight Maps
animation europe and africa animation europe and africa animation Asia and Australia
North and South America Eurasia and Africa Asia and Australia

For each animated map, watch what happens to daylight between the equinox (September 23) and the solstice (December 22).

  • What happens to the day length in the Northern Hemisphere during these 90 days?
  • What happens in Southern Hemisphere during the same time period?
  • Challenge: Study the Daylight map to find the places where the photoperiod (day length) is the shortest and the longest.
Report Your Obervations
Naples Elementary School, Italy
12/29/11: It's easy to see that the end of December has arrived. Snow is capping our nearby hill. The pomegranates hang in leafless trees, and are slowly splitting to spread their seeds. A nearby bush displays its felt-like seed pods (tamarind pods). Trees' buds are waiting for spring - they show a distinct pink color collectively, on the hillsides.
snow on hills pomegranates split pomegranates

What are you seeing? Look for patterns of seasonal change, then report observations from your part of the world.

Signs and the Seasons for February: A reminder will be posted on February 1, 2012