Symbolic Monarchs in Mexico
By Estela Romero
Find Your Butterfly


Estela Romero

Estela Romero

Estela Romero

Dear Students,
As I deliver your Ambassador Butterflies to the students who live near the monarch sanctuaries, I feel proud of my beautiful land and people. I'm honored to represent Journey North and leave a seed whose fruits will help assure the monarch's survival into the future for our children.

One more time, Ambassador Monarchs have been delivered to children who live and attend schools nearby the Sanctuaries and whose families and communities impact Monarchs’ hábitat directly. The bridge of communication and conservation has one more time been completed by Mexican children on this end and their Ambassador Monarchs now carry their gifts and letters made with a great illusion of continuing building up this commitment of conservation of the habitat of Monarch Butterflies in their overwintering sites in Central México, as well as for the future of their own local ecosystem.

Season 2017-2018 should now continue showing us the state of affairs since the full time of the Monarchs season is right here now.  Follow our weekly reports and discover what the season has got in store for us this year!!!.

At every single school the emotions and interest of the children and teachers is very high. Learning that our two neighboring cultures (United States and Canada) share our concern forf the monarchs is very exciting. This makes the exchange between all a shared responsibility of conservation across borders in cultural sistership possible.

The students love receiving the letters, gifts, and photos from their friends in the United States and Canada. "The letters fly and survive as long a distance and face as many challenges as Monarchs do," some said wisely.

The students are proud to realize that they can play an important role in preserving the wondrous migration by learning how to conserve the Oyamel forests in our region.

This season I visited 31 schools surrounding the El Rosario and Sierra Chincua sanctuaries. This is the only non-profit program delivering environmental education related to monarchs habitat preservation in this region in central México.

I took lots of pictures during my visits. I hope you enjoy seeing the children who received your Ambassador Butterflies and learning about their lives.

Estela Romero
Angangueo, Michoacan, Mexico


Estela Romero coordinates Journey North's Symbolic Migration in Mexico. She and her family live in the small mountain town of Angangueo near the monarch's winter sanctuaries.