Today's News Send a Songbird
to the Neotropics
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Farewell and Hasta la Vista!

Some five billion birds are migrating south this fall. Most of them are young birds, just born this summer, and heading off on their first migration. Though only a few weeks old, many of these young birds will be traveling alone, without their parents!

Your class can send a symbolic baby bird--and its survival kit-- south with them. We'll send your young bird to the neotropics, because this is the destination of over half of all the birds that breed in the U.S. and Canada. Students on Mexico's Yucatan Peninsula will watch over your songbird all winter, and send it back north next spring when the real songbirds flood north across the Gulf of Mexico.

All year long, while your bird is away, we'll follow its story. And we'll send news from scientists who are working to protect the populations of the 350 species of neotropical migratory birds. When the real songbirds return next spring, you'll greet them with a new understanding.

Get ready for the trip!
Your bird must take off no later than October 9, 1998.

There's a lot to learn if your young bird is going to make it!
Try these lessons, then create your symbolic songbird in time for the fall migration:

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