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Journey North News
- FINAL Whooping
Crane Field Notes: May 21, 1998
This report brings the latest and final aerial news from Brian Johns,
with results of his nest count in the whooping cranes' breeding grounds in Canada.
Also, Wally Jobman sends more news about the juvenile crane which separated from
its parents in North Dakota.
- News Flash: 24
Whooping Crane Nests Spotted At Wood Buffalo
May 15, 1998
This unscheduled report brings the latest aerial news from Brian Johns,
who has been surveying the whooping cranes nesting grounds in Canada..
- FINAL Whooping
Crane Migration Update: May 14, 1998
Wally Jobman explains why the Spring 1998 Whooping Crane migration
was so unique. And Tom Stehn answers students' Ask The Expert questions. Plus,
we await news from the nesting grounds on Brian Johns' first census report, so stay
tuned for an extra "News Flash" coming soon!
- International Migratory
Bird Day--A Perspective: May 7, 1998
Saturday May 9, is International Migratory Bird Day! The story of
the whooping crane provides a vivid example of international cooperation between
countries to preserve an endangered migratory species. Read Canadian Biologist Brian
Johns' perspective on international cooperation between the U.S. and Canada for preserving
the endangered whooping crane.
- Whooping Crane
Migration Update: April 30, 1998
The spring migration of Whooping Cranes in the U.S. appears to be
just about over. Tom Stehn and Wally Jobman both report that Whooping Cranes are
well on their way to the nesting grounds in Canada! Tom also brings us up-to-date
on the latest news from the Ultralight crane migrations. Plus, learn how scientists
solved the mystery of finding the Whooping Cranes nesting grounds after almost 30
- Whooping Crane
Migration Update: April 23, 1998
One family group of whooping cranes was still present at Aransas National
Wildlife Refuge in Texas! But Tom Stehn saw them taking "test flights"
so they may already be on their long 2,500 mile migration to their nesting grounds
in Canada. Meanwhile, Wally Jobman in Nebraska reports that more migrating cranes
have been sighted in North Dakota. And even further north, Brian Johns from Saskatoon,
reports additional new sightings of the whoopers in Saskatchewan, near the nesting
grounds in Wood Buffalo!
- Whooping Crane
Migration Update: April 17, 1998
Almost all of the whooping cranes have left Aransas for their long
journey north! Tom Stehn's latest aerial census found only 6 cranes remaining. Meanwhile,
Wally Jobman reports from Nebraska that migrating cranes have now been sighted as
far north as the Dakotas and Saskatchewan.
- Whooping Crane
Migration Update: April 9, 1998
The whooping crane migration is full swing! Many whoopers have left
Aransas NWR in Texas and begun their 2,500 mile journey to the nesting grounds in
the Northwest Territories in Canada. Observers in the Great Plains have reported
migrating cranes along the way in NE, KS, and ND. Plus, responses to Challenge Question
# 6 about bird collisions with power lines.
- Whooping Crane
Migration Update: April 2, 1998
Big news! The whooping and sandhill cranes that initially learned
to migrate by following an aircraft, begin the return migration on their own! Countdown
begins for the Aransas whooping cranes' departure for the nesting grounds in the
Northwest Territories.
- Whooping Crane
Migration Update: March 19, 1998
With an early departure of a dozen cranes from the Texas coast, the
migration is now officially underway. How do whooping cranes know when to migrate?
Explore the concept of time and biological clocks, then send us a story about the
misadventures of a migratory animal that completely lost track of time!
- Whooping Crane
Migration Update: March 5, 1998
The world's only wild flock is now 180 strong--up from only 22 birds
in 1940. Join us as we track their 2,500 mile migration from Texas to their nesting
grounds in Canada. "Count how many times I say RECORD YEAR in this update,"
exclaims the proud biologist who cares
for them each winter.
- News Flash: First
Whooping Crane Arrives in Nebraska: February 24, 1998
This early sighting--the second earliest on record-- is a reminder
that the whooping migration season will soon be headed north.
- December 4, 1997:
Record Crane Population on Wintering Grounds
A record total of 178 whooping cranes have now reached Texas. Based
on summer nesting and winter territory data, this winter's whooping crane population
is expected to reach an all-time high of 180.
- November 17, 1997:
Whooping Crane Twins!
For the first time in 33 years, one pair of whooping cranes has successfully
raised 2 young cranes and brought them all the way to the wintering grounds.
- November 3, 1997: First Whooping
Cranes Arrive in Texas
The first Whooping Cranes of the season have returned to winter on
the Texas Gulf Coast, after flying 2,500 miles from their northern nesting grounds
in Canada. Over 150 Whooping Cranes are expected this fall, raising the population
to a record level.
- Visit the Journey North
Spring, 1997 Archives
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