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Will the Groundhog See His Shadow on February 2, 1998?
Dolphin School students interviewed the experts, students living in the hometowns of the official
groundhogs for Canada and the USA.

Illustration by Alex C.
Predictions from Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania
Dear students in class 703:
Here is the answer to your question.
Six students think that Phil will see his shadow because of all the
bright lights from television and news crews. The other 20 Students, and
Mrs. Divelbiss, believe that Phil will not see his shadow and that we
will soon be celebrating the beginning of Spring! Who's right? The world
will find out Monday!
Mrs. Divelbiss' Language Arts Class
Punxsutawney Area Middle School
Punxsutawney, Penn.
Predictions from Wiarton, Ontario, Canada
Dear students in class 703:
Here is the answer to your "Willy" good question!
Of the 27 students in the class, 17 believe that he will correctly
predict the end of winter and 10 believe he won't correctly predict the
end of winter.
From Class 6E
Wiarton Public School
Wiarton, Ontario
Canada |