Bill Thrune - USFWS
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Today's News
Spring's Journey North
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Journey North News will be posted on Mondays
Feb. 2, 16, Mar. 2, 16, 30, Apr. 13, 27, May 11, 25

Journey North News
- How to Participate
We invite you to report the many various changes you observe as spring passes through your region.
FINAL Signs of Spring: May 25, 1998
After a year at sea, Puffins come ashore. These adorable little
fish-catchers actually dig their own nest burrows on rocky islands,
using their bill as a pickax and webbed feet to dig.
- Signs of Spring: May 11, 1998
Todays' full moon affects birds from the Atlantic to the Pacific--and everywhere
in between. During the highest tides, horseshoe crabs egglaying peaks--and shorebirds come thousands of miles for
the feast. Males of many shorebird species do most of the work in raising babies. Why do you think the shorebird
family has so many males working harder than females?
- Canadian Students Greet Songbirds as They Flood
Across the Border
Mr. Murray's class visited Long Point Bird Observatory last week. The previous night,
a new wave of migrants had made the trip across Lake Erie from the U.S. "I've never seen so many birds!"
remarked Christine C. "We wish all Journey North classes could have joined us, but we hope that since you
couldn't, you'll learn from our report and pictures!" said the students of Class 703.
- Signs of Spring: April 27, 1998
Now that spring has awakened the food chain, here come the predators! Hawks are
streaming north right now. From the Gulf Coast to the shores of the Great Lakes and beyond, people have been observing
individuals and groups migrating toward their nesting grounds.
- Signs of Spring: April 13, 1998
Juat as the first spring peepers are calling, American Woodcocks start "peenting"--a call
that some people even confuse with frogs. Woodcocks are squat, dumpy birds with improbably long beaks which they
use to pull earthworms out of the mud. How do they do this without ending up with a mouthful?
- News Flash--Peregrine Falcon Now Heading
Home: April 9, 1998
Falcon #5735 took off from her winter vacation spot in Veracruz, Mexico just after March 10th. By
the 19th she was already in Oklahoma. How long will it take her to reach northern Alberta? Last fall's trip took
only 21 days!
- Signs of Spring: April 6, 1998
Some of the favorite sounds
of spring have now been heard all the way into Canada. This map shows the greening of spring, as told by singing
frogs. This singing is especially good to hear, because frog populations are declining worldwide. "It's not
easy being a frog," Kermit has always warned.
- Signs of Spring: March 30, 1998
Male grackles are back in many northern areas, and as soon as the females arrive,
the males will start strutting around to attract them. Grackles can perform this display even in backyards, and
it's easy to observe.
- News Flash--It's the 1st Day of Spring:
March 20, 1998
Today everyone, everywhere has 12 hours of daylength. What will happen next? Report to Journey North
when your day reaches 13 hours. Will this happen first in Alaska or Texas?
- Signs of Spring: March 16, 1998
Dancing on the prairie at the dawn, these tasty birds must get up early to avoid hungry predators.
Why do you think their mating calls are very deep and low rather than high-pitched?
- Signs of Spring: March 2, 1998
Male Redwinged blackbirds are flooding into the Midwest from their wintering grounds in the southern
U.S. States. Meanwhile, on the Yucatan Peninsula, some of the first trans-Gulf migrants are staging before their
over-water flight.
- Signs of Spring: February 16, 1998
The long journey from wintering grounds in South America has begun for Swainson's Hawks, Purple
Martins and shorebirds.
- Signs of Spring: February 2, 1998
This year, we ask your help in LISTENING for the arrival of spring. Four frog species--known for
their early singing--are the subjects of this study. Let us know when their songs begin in your area.
- Happy Groundhog's Day!
Thanks to Mr. Murray's 7th grade class in Ontario for today's report about the history of Groundhog's
Day, and the natural history of groundhogs themselves.
- Visit the Journey North, 1997
Related Resources
Spring Phenology Data Exchange
Collect signs of spring and exchange them with another class. Using Nature's clues, can you find your partner?