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Gray Whale


Please Help Track Gray Whale Migration

Report the FIRSTnorthbound Gray Whale you see this spring to Journey North!

If you're on the West Coast, we hope you'll help provide gray whale migration data this spring. To track the whales' trip to their northern feeding grounds we are collecting the following information:

  • Date of first sighting of northbound gray whales.
  • Date of first sighting of northbound gray whale mother/calf pairs.

Obviously, you would need to watch for whales every day to accurately report these "firsts" of the season. Therefore, we encourage you to contact the captain of one of the many whale-watch vessels in your area. These people are lucky enough to be out every day and can provide accurate data for you.

Gray Whale-Watch Observation Posts
As the gray whales travel up the West Coast to their feeding grounds in Alaska, news from our friends at 2 observation posts will help narrate their long journey.

From Santa Barbara, California, Laura Gorodezsky, of Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary will provide news and migration data as the whales pass through.

Hundreds of miles up the coast, while waiting for the whales to reach Kodiak Island in the Bay of Alaska, Susan Payne of the National Marine Fisheries Service will provide news from her vantage point. We hope you'll help fill in the gaps by providing sightings along the whales' way.