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North News
- FINAL Gray
Whale Migration Update: May 20, 1998
As the ice melts in the northern waters of Alaska, more Gray Whales
are sighted in these areas each day. Meanwhile to the south, Gray Whales continue
to be sighted all along the migration route from California to Alaska! Click on the
locations in today's map, and get all the information on these sightings! Plus, get
the latest Signs of Spring from Kodiak, Alaska.
- Gray Whale
Migration Update: May 6, 1998
Most of the gray whales have now passed by Channel Islands off Santa
Barbara, so the gray whale sightings should start to taper off. But, in the meantime,
humpbacks, blue whales and dolphins are now being seen there too. In the Bering Sea,
the gray whales are moving even further north, and many mother/calf pairs are on
their way too. Also, more signs of spring are appearing in Kodiak each day!
- Gray Whale
Migration Update: April 22, 1998
The northbound migration continues! Many cow/calf pairs and even the
first Humpback whale of the season have been seen at Channel Islands in Santa Barbara.
In Kodiak Alaska, highlights include pilots spotting gray whales all the way up in
the Bering Sea. Plus, an Orca attack has been witnessed and mother/calf pairs have
been seen as far north as Oregon.
- Gray Whale
Migration Update: April 8, 1998
"The second pulse" of migrating gray whales are spotted
off Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary! Intern Mike Kahle provides an eyewitness
report on JJ's release back into the wild. And Susan Payne reports "the whales
are here!", in Kodiak, Alaska, just in time for the second annual Whale Fest
as whale sightings begin to slow to the south.
- Gray Whale
Migration Update: March 25, 1998
The first mother/calf gray whale pair is sighted on the Oregon coast!
Laura Gorodezky sends a bird's eye view of gray whale sightings from the Sanctuary's
airplane in California. And Susan Payne in Kodiak, Alaska waits for gray whales to
arrive any day now! Plus, a short "Field Guide" to whale watching.
- News Flash--First
Gray Whales Spotted in Alaska: March 25, 1998
No sooner did we send out today's Gray Whale update than this news
arrived.This unscheduled report from Alaska brings exciting news that we've all been
waiting for.
- Gray Whale
Migration Update: March 11, 1998
Read about the "Ballenas Gris" from the Gray Whale Nursery
in Baja, Mexico. A rare Right Whale is spotted off the coast of California. Check
the progress of Gray Whales headed north to Kodiak, Alaska.
- Gray Whale
Migration News Flash: March 4, 1998
Whales have been sighted off the coast of British Columbia!
- Gray Whale
Migration Update: February 25, 1998
Gray whales gave birth off the California Coast this year, and additional
reports from Santa Barbara and Monterey indicate the northbound migration is now
clearly underway.
- Gray Whale
Migration Update: February 11, 1998
The first northbound gray whales are now moving up the California
coast. When do you predict the first whale will be sighted in Alaska?
- Visit the Journey North,
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American Cetacean Society