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News Flash: First Hummingbirds are Here
Journey North Hummingbird Migration Updates will begin next month, according
to this schedule:
THURSDAYS: March 19, April 2, 16, 30, May 14
February 18, 1998
This unscheduled report brings the following news:
"Today I had my first ruby-throated male show up at a feeder. My location is Valrico, Florida, 18 miles
east of Tampa. YEAAAA!" (2/18/98)
Report the FIRST hummingbird
you see this spring to Journey North!
This early sighting is a reminder that the hummingbird season will soon be here. For the first time this year,
we will also track a western hummingbird species, the Rufous Hummingbird (Selasphorus rufus). This species over-winters
primarily in Mexico, and two early sightings have already been reported in California. (See
data below.) The Rufous Hummingbird breeds the farthest north of any hummingbird, with some traveling all the
way to Alaska. Watch for this hummingbird if you live in northern California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, western
Montana, Alberta, British Columbia or southeast Alaska. Watch for the Ruby-throated Hummingbird if you live in
the U.S. or Canada east of the Mississippi River.
Wintering and Breeding Range of the
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
(Archilochus colubris)
Map by D. Bojar and U. McKinney
Macalester College
Preparing for the Hummingbird Migration
While you wait for hummingbird migration updates over the next few weeks, here are some things you can do to
Unpave the Way for Hummingbirds
Get ready for hungry hummingbirds! In addition to tracking their migration this spring, we hope you'll help hummingbirds
along the way by creating habitat for them. Many helpful people and resources can be accessed through this WWW
site. When your habitat project is complete, report back to Journey North. We'll add your site our "Unpave
the Way for Wildlife" map, showing where you've helped make life better for the wildlife that shares your
Order Your Tracking Map
Rufous Hummingbirds (Western U.S. and Canada)
Region Needed: North America
Size: 30x23 or 60x47
Map #'s: 20014 or 20035
Price: $10.00 or $20.00
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Eastern U.S. and Canada)
Region Needed: USA*
Recommended Map: Rand McNally United States Cosmopolitan)
Size: 52x34
Price: $3.95
*Because the ruby-throated hummingbird doesn't go far into Canada, a U.S. map will
provide the best detail of the ruby-throated hummingbird's range.
Today's Migration Data
Rufous Hummingbirds (Western U.S. and Canada)
01/31/98 Weimar, CA
02/13/98 Bakersfield, CA
Ruby-throated Hummingbirds (Eastern U.S. and Canada)
02/18/98 Valrico, FL
Special thanks to Lanny Chambers for contributing migration data again this spring. Be sure to visit his WWW site,
The Next Hummingbird Migration Update Will be Posted on March 19, 1998