Bill Thrune - USFWS

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Class 703
Field Trip to Long Point Bird Observatory
May 13, 1998
Birds banded while we were at the
Banding Station
(* = Neotropical Migrant)
- Ruby Crowned Kinglet - 1 female and 3 undetermined
- Wood Thrush*
- Grey Catbird* - 3
- Blue - Winged Warbler* - male -this bird has a very
unique song which Jul mimicked for us!
- Nashville Warbler* - 2 males 1 female
- Magnolia Warbler* - undetermined
- Black Throated Blue Warbler* - male
- Yellow- Rumped Warbler* - undetermined
- Black- Throated Green Warble* - male
- Ovenbird* - undetermined*
- Hooded Warbler* - male - very rare in Ontario and
only known to breed in Carolinian Forests along the North shore of Lake Erie
- American Redstart*
- Lincoln's Sparrow*
- White- Throated Sparrow
European Starling- female- (Just a local bird but notable because it had a "Brood Patch", a featherless
area on its belly to allow the skin to directly contact its eggs and keep them at the proper incubation temperature.)
Chestnut-side Warbler*
Scarlet Tanager*
Birds Caught in nets, Seen and /or Heard
(* = Neotropical Migrant)
- Great Blue Heron (definitely NOT caught in a net!)
- Turkey Vulture (seen flying over)
- Mourning Dove
- Least Flycatcher* heard beside the banding station
- Purple Martin*
- Tree Swallow*
- American Crow (seen flying over)
- Black Capped Chickadee
- Brown Creeper
- Carolina Wren heard all around the station ("tea kettle tea kettle tea kettle!")
- House Wren
- Hermit Thrush*
- Philadelphia Vireo*
- Red-eyed Vireo*
- Yellow Warbler* heard and seen ("sweet sweet
sweet a little too sweet!")
- Chestnut Sided Warbler* ("pleased pleased pleased
to meetcha!")
- Blackburnian Warbler*
- Black and White Warbler*
- Common Yellowthroat* ("witchity witchity witchity!")
- Scarlet Tanager* - 1 male and 1 female
- Northern Cardinal
- Rose Breasted Grosbeak*
- Song Sparrow
- Grackle
- Red-Winged Blackbird
- Baltimore Oriole*
- American Goldfinch