FINAL Humpback Whale Migration Update: May 26, 1999 Today's Report Includes:
Special Thanks To Anne Smrcina! We want to extend a very special thanks to whale expert extraordinaire Anne Smrcina. Each season--as dependable as whale migration itself--Anne's news reports simply land in our laps. For the past 6 spring seasons, she and her network of whale experts up and down the Atlantic coast have voluntarily shared their expertise, research, and knowledge about whales with us all. As one inspired student was overheard saying, "I want to go to see the ocean!" Thanks, Anne, for bringing the incredible story of whale migration to so many of us who have never had the chance to see a whale...yet. Anne's Final Notes of the Season ![]() Admiring From a Safe Distance The humpbacks have returned to their northern feeding grounds in large numbers -- and the whalewatch companies have been reporting another banner year. But along with the commercial interest comes a growing concern about whether the whales are being harassed by this large (and growing) number of vessels. The National Marine Fisheries Service and National Ocean Service (Stellwagen Bank Sanctuary) have issued a revised set of guidelines for whalewatching (developed in conjunction with cetacean researchers, environmental organizations, other government agencies and the industry). The guidelines are intended to provide recommendations to boaters that will keep them from harassing or injuring whales (which could lead to prosecutions under the Marine Mammal Protection Act or the Endangered Species Act). The guidelines recommend that boats slow down to 13 knots when they get within 2 miles of a whale, to 10 knots when they are 1 mile from the whale, and 7 knots when they are within a half mile. Boaters should not attempt a head-on approach, and should disengage their propulsion systems when in close proximity to whales. Only one vessel should be in the close approach zone (100-300 feet) and two in the standby zone (300-600 feet). It is recommended that the close approach vessel depart that zone after 15 minutes to allow viewing by another vessel. A trained corps of observers from the Coast Guard Auxiliary will be keeping track of how well the guidelines are being followed and how well they seem to be protecting whales from harassment and injury this year. The National Marine Fisheries Service and Sanctuary will use this information to determine if further action is warranted. Keeping In Touch With Whales This Summer That's all for this year's Journey North reporting on humpback whales. I hope I've been able to provide you with some exciting and timely information and sparked an interest in these great animals. For those of you wishing to pursue whale studies this summer, here are two interesting sites if you have access to the Internet this summer:
What's in a Name? Discussion of Challenge Question #10 In my last report I asked you "Based on all of the humpback names you see below, can you figure out the rules for humpback whale naming?" Becky from Mrs. Hepner's class in Alaska submitted this answer: " The names can't be human names; The names can't tell the sex of the whale; The name tells something about some of the whale's characteristics" Becky Warton 3rd grade, Mrs. Hepner's class. ( The whale naming requirements are simple, and here's a little more detail:
Coming Soon Answers to the whale Ask the Expert questions are on their way. Have a healthy and happy summer. This is Anne Smrcina, education coordinator of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, signing off.
Please Share Your Thoughts
This the FINAL Humpback Whale Migration Update. Have a Nice Summer.
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