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Journey North News
- FINAL Loon Migration Update: May 20, 1999
Loons are nesting throughout much of their range now. See when their migration peaked.
How do they choose the best lakes for raising babies? And how sneaky can they be when people are watching?
- Loon Migration Update: May 6, 1999
- The Loons have landed! When did their migration peak this spring? When you see a loon dive,
you better not hold your breath. How might a loon's air sacs determine how high or low in the water the loon was
swimming? Also see Answers from the
Loon Expert, Ted Gostomski.
- Common Loon Migration Update: April 22, 1999
Loons are charging full speed ahead toward their northern breeding lakes. Here are 140 new
sightings for your migration map! How will they recognize high quality nesting lakes when they finish their Journey
- Common Loon Migration Update: April 8, 1999
Loons are on the move, appearing on northern lakes as soon as the ice disappears. Check
out the newest loon migration data. How do loons know when ice-out happens? Loons are hard to notice from the ground
as they wing over at high altitudes and high speeds. Look at our map and see if some might have flown over your
- Common Loon Migration Update: March 25, 1999
Common Loons are on the move! Several have been spotted on inland lakes already. Why don't they
winter on southern lakes that are open and have plenty of fish? How do loons know when the ice will go out on northern
- Common Loon Migration Update: March 11, 1999
Common Loons aren't flying yet. Why do they lose all their flight feathers at once? Red-throated
Loons have started moving north in Monterey Bay. Read biologist Lucy Vlietstra's report. What do loon salt glands
look like?
- Common Loon Migration Update: February 25, 1999
Loons are growing all new feathers in preparation for their long journey. Why might this be
dangerous for them? How do these freshwater nesting birds survive the winter in salt water?
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