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Mystery Class Update: April 9, 1999

Today's Report Includes:

Like Clockwork

Mrs. Berger's 5th Grade Class

Your Sunrise/Sunset Data arrived once again this week, and all the thanks go to Mrs. Berger and her class from East Hills School in New York, for faithfully sending today's data to you! As you know, these times were recorded on Monday, the same day you recorded your sunrise/sunset times.

Heard Any Good Clues Lately?
You'll find another set of clues below, including the first-ever Audio clue from one of your Mystery Friends!

Clue Calendar--Two Weeks and Counting...
Clues will be coming for just 2 more weeks and then you'll have a chance to place your guess!

  • April 16--clues

  • April 23--clues

  • April 30 Guesses are due!

This Week's Sunrise/Sunset Times

Here's today's data:

Journey North Mystery Class

Sunrise/Sunset Data

Data For: Monday, April 5, 1999

Mystery Class



# 1



# 2



# 3



# 4



# 5



# 6



# 7



# 8



# 9



# 10



** Mystery Class #7 has experienced a one hour adjustment to its times since last week due to the start or end of Daylight Savings Time. But remember that this adjustment will NOT affect the photoperiod.

Discussion of Challenge Question #3
This leads us back to last week's Challenge Question which asked "Can you explain why the Daylight Savings Time change does NOT change the photoperiod."

Pennsylvania time-keepers from Mrs. Sgalippi's class explain it this way: "Dear Journey North, The reason that the photoperiods are the same after Daylight Savings Time is that the sunset changes one hour along with the sunrise time. So the photoperiods wouldn't change any more than they normally would in a week." Simmons Elementary School, Horsham, PA (

Afterall, people can't tell the sun what to do! It stays up the same amount of time no matter what time people say it is.

CLUES From Your Mystery Friends:

Mystery Class #:

#1 "The three official languages of our country are Chamorro, Carolinian, and English."

#2 "4700-4900 people live here."

#3 "Some of the months of the year in one of our eleven official languages are: Januarie, Februarie and Maart."

#4 "This city is located on 2 continents."

#5 "In 1902, a Famous British sea captain erected the first building in our town. His most well known quote about the continent on which we live is: 'Great God, this an awful place!'"

#6 "English, Chinese and Malay are the most commonly spoken languages."

#7 "Most people here speak English, but Spanish is the second main language."

#8 "Until about 150 years ago we had slaves, that were obliged to work to live."

#9 In our native language, these words mean "Goodbye now" (written as "Slán anois"). Click here to listen to us yourself."

#10 "The wettest spot in the world is located on our island."

The Next Mystery Class Update Will be Posted on April 16, 1999.

Copyright 1999 Journey North. All Rights Reserved. Please send all questions, comments, and suggestions to our feedback form

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