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Journey North News will be posted on Tuesdays
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Journey North News
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: May 9, 2000
The last whooper left Aransas and two pairs are already nesting in Canada! Soon the next generation
will be "pipping," even before emerging from their shells. We've got final words from Aransas, Grand
Island, and Wood Buffalo, but how would YOU sum up the migration? End the season with an adventure. Ferret out
one crane's unique life story from raw banding data, just like the crane biologists do!
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 25,
Whoopers are flying full speed ahead for Canada, and passing right over Nebraska. What's the rush?
Why do they need to be sitting on their nests by May 15th? Check out our photos of a nest with eggs, and imagine
a nest one meter across! What problems might cranes encounter when they arrive on the breeding grounds in Canada?
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 18,
Just two nesting pairs remain at Aransas. They need to leave this week to make it to the Canadian
nesting grounds in time! Will it be a good flying weather? The pairs search for good nest sites upon reaching Canada;
find out what they look for and where they look. How do whooping cranes learn to be parents? What must their chicks
learn from them to survive?
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 11,
The whooping crane migration is underway! Never have so many cranes left Aransas in an 8-day period!
Ideal weather helped, and 149 cranes are now winging their way toward the Platte. Will they hang out a while, or
just pass through? Find out the weather whys for watching the skies. We've got an update on the two Florida Hatchlings
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: April 4, 2000
The migration is underway! One chick's parents left without their baby. What will the young chick
do now? Join in celebrating the hatching of the first whooper chicks in the US in 100 years. If they're not part
of the Aransas/Wood Buffalo migratory flock, where do these baby whoopers belong?
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: March 28,
Aransas Whooping Cranes are feasting on blue crabs, getting ready to leave any day! In a sad newsbreak,
a whooping crane died in March after colliding with a powerline. What risks and dangers face cranes, both on the
wintering grounds and along the migration trail? Two whoopers have reached the Platte River. Wally Jobman wonders
if they'll develop a relationship. We'll keep you posted!
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: March 14,
What surprising discovery has Biologist Tom Stehn made since our last Update? What's this week's
crane count at Aransas? Where were the missing family groups before February 29? How long do cranes live in the
wild? We've got four new challenge questions, too!
- Whooping Crane Migration Update: February 29,
Who counts whooping cranes? The official census is in, and the world has a record 185 whooping cranes!
What is the increase from last year's total? What difficult conditions did cranes face in their habitats last year?
When will they begin their journey north? And what does a 3-cent stamp issued in 1953 have to do with whooping
crane conservation?
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