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Journey North News will be posted on Wednesdays
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Journey North News
- FINAL Gray Whale Migration Update: May 17,
Gray whales are still plowing north. They've reached Kuskokwim Bay (59.67N), nearing the end of
the trail. The American Cetacean Society census ended on May 15 with lower numbers than in 1999. Why are whale
numbers down? Read an account of what happens to whales that die from stranding or drowning. Celebrate another
migration in the life cycle of this magnificent species!
- Gray Whale Migration Update: May 3, 2000
A few cow/calf pairs still linger in the lagoons. Who can blame them when water temps in the Arctic
are barely above freezing? As of April 28, this year's ACS count of 1,993 northbound grays is the fifth lowest
in sixteen years of records. Tom Lewis offers ideas about the unusually high number of whale deaths. Meanwhile,
what kind of "Beast Feast" are whales enjoying on the feeding grounds?
- Gray Whale Migration Update: April 19, 2000
The season's first cow/calf pairs are now on the move! The first gray whales arrived in Nelson Lagoon,
and you can see them live on the school's video cam. Strandings, orcas, and whale hunts are in the news, but so
are fresh new discoveries. Can you imitate the croaks and pops of the gray whale recordings shared by researcher
Sheyna Wisdom?
- Gray Whale Migration Update: April 5, 2000
The peak of the first migration pulse has passed California without any cow/calf pairs in sight.
Exuberant gray whales are breaching and lobtailing all the way to mid-Kodiak Island, Alaska. In Point Hope, the
sea is still frozen and grays are still weeks away, but but muktuk is creating a sensation. What is muktuk? Learn
four ways whales stay warm in the frigid Arctic waters.
- Gray Whale Migration Update: March 22, 2000
The northbound migration is in full swing! Gray whales have been spotted all the way to Seward and
Kodiak Alaska. No cow/calf pairs have been seen heading north, but we have first-hand reports of "spring training"
in the lagoons. When will the northward migration peak? How many whales do you estimate in the lagoons?
- Gray Whale Migration Update: March 8, 2000
Northbound gray whales have reached Vancouver Island, but have mom/calf pairs started the northward
swim? How does this year's census compare to counts in the past? The millennium baby shows off her progress, and
some surfers discover that grays have halitosis. Given detailed clues, can you draw a gray whale?
- Gray Whale Migration Update: February 23,
The official northbound migration is underway! Where are the whales on the trail? Meanwhile, what's
happening in the warm, shallow nurseries of Laguna San Ignacio? Blows are seen everywhere, and we've got on-the-scene
- Gray Whale Migration Update: February 9, 2000
Visit gray whale newborns in the nursery lagoons at the southern end of the gray whale migration
route, but be alert for two-way whale traffic! While some of the whales are starting the journey north, the southbound
migration is still in full swing. How will the calves be ready for a 6000 mile swim? When will the first northbound
whales reach Kodiak, Alaska?
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