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Journey North News
- FINAL Common Loon
Migration Update: May 4, 2000
Most loons are back on territory, filling the north with their haunting
calls and brilliant colors. They're settling into nesting, but why are nursery pools
also important? Use balloons, rocks, and duct tape to understand how a loon dives
so deep and floats high or low. See what conclusions you can draw about loon migration
based on this spring's data!
- Common Loon Migration
Update: April 20, 2000
Loons have been charging full speed ahead toward their northern breeding
lakes. If you blinked, you may have missed the migration! Check out the map and the
latest migration data. Sonograms prove that people who say "My loons are back"
are probably right. See our lessons on mercury and lead's effect on loons, and send
for free steel sinkers to protect loons.
- Common Loon Migration
Update: April 6, 2000
The loons are on the move! Does it really take a ton of fish to feed
a pair of loons and their chicks over one breeding season? Find out where the loon's
food chain starts and ends. How will you recognize the loons' tunes and what they
mean? Try a loon balancing act with clay and imagination. Find out how a loon's beak,
eyes, legs, and feet stay warm when exposed to cold water.
- Common Loon Migration
Update:March 23, 2000
Wearing shiny new plumage, a few early loons are already returning
to their northern lakes. We interview Kevin Kenow about his groundbreaking satellite
tracking of loons. What surprised him the most? Check out our map of Loon #2539's
migration and see how many new Challenge Questions you can answer. How do a loon's
feathers make a perfect wet suit?
- Common Loon Migration
Update: March 9, 2000
What new technology is helping loon biologist Kevin Kenow find
answers to age-old questions? Meet Loon #2539, a "loon online"! Using the
newest satellite data, can you find some answers to your own loon questions?
- Common Loon Migration
Update: February 24, 2000
Loons haven't begun migrating yet, but they're growing all new
feathers in preparation for their journey. What makes this a risky time for loons?
How can you become a keen loon observer? And why not join storytellers in explaining
the marvels and mysteries of these ancient water birds!
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