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Journey North News will be posted on Thursdays
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Weather and Songbird Migration
Journey North News
- Oriole Migration
Update: May 18, 2000
With more than 100 new sightings, orioles are still flying northward
across their breeding range. Their swift migration is nearly complete. When was the
peak? How does this year's migration compare with last year's? An observer with an
oriole "Bed and Breakfast" tells how milkweed becomes an oriole nesting
material. Use our observation checklist and you'll see that the fun of oriole watching
is just beginning!
- Oriole Migration
Update: May 4, 2000
The orioles are here! To learn how orioles migrate, what clues do
Journey North data provide? What are the most important weather factors? Imagine
being an oriole and see how you do with our nest-building instructions. Hear the
difference between the songs of the Bullock's and the Baltimore Orioles. What will
you see and report as your orioles arrive and settle in?
- Oriole Migration
Update: April 20, 2000
The migration is underway! Northern Orioles are arriving along the
Gulf Coast and California. A handful are even arriving in the north already! Dr.
David Aborn tells how this week's weather affects migration. How do birds predict
the weather? How can you help orioles whether they're just passing through or stopping
to stay?
- Oriole Migration
Update: April 6, 2000
Weather expert David Aborn says migration is starting to pick up,
so get out there with your binoculars! Another cold front is moving across the country,
and the north winds behind it spell bad news for migrants. What timely tip-offs do
mulberry bushes give Texas oriole fans? Learn what coffee has to do with saving orioles.
Test your observation powers with a beautiful oriole photo.
- Oriole Migration
Update: March 16, 2000
Will this week's weather mean you'll see more migratory birds? Dr.
David Aborn gives his prediction. They're not here yet, but how could you find out
where orioles from your state or province are spending the winter? What things can
you do to help them along the migration trail? Why do you suppose fewer Neotropical
migrants return each spring? Enter a contest that can win you some cash!
- Oriole Migration
Update: March 2, 2000
The orioles are still wintering in the balmy tropics. Can you answer
our riddle to name one country where they are? What's happening there for orioles
right now? How will these birds take advantage of the weather when it's time to start
the journey north? What would an oriole write on a vacation postcard from the tropics?
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