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Journey North News will be posted on Wednesdays
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Journey North News
- FINAL Right Whale Migration Update: May 24,
We are seeing fewer and fewer mother-calf pairs over the past few years. What is causing the decrease
in pregnancy rate? Scientists discuss possibilities. Using historic whaling journals to plot his course, whale
researcher embarks on a 15 month journey to find more right whales. How are whale weights, elephants, and blubber
important for understanding the whale story?
- Right Whale Migration Update: April 26, 2000
Few sightings due to less than ideal weather in Massachusetts. How far do the mother and calf pairs
migrate to get to the summer feeding grounds? Right whales have a lot of blubber! How much and why so much are
good questions. Some students creatively suggest we could try singing to whales to locate them. And, lots of good
map questions asked.
- Right Whale Migration Update: April 12, 2000
Anne Smrcina sends final tally of calves spotted. Scientists ask where all the whales are. They
ask you for your ideas on where to find them. Right whales will be moving into the Great South Channel. Find a
map of the ocean floor and ask us some challenge questions!
- Right Whale Migration Update: March 29, 2000
No new mother-calf sightings reported. Dr. James Hain shares his research with shore-based tracking.
Whale breeding grounds have moved slightly north. Put on your thinking caps and think like a scientist. Help solve
the puzzle. There is nothing simple in animal behavior studies!
- Right Whale Migration
Update: March 15, 2000
We are still waiting for the right whales to migrate northwards. Find out how fishing line can become an enemy
of aquatic animals. Check out the data of sightings off the coasts of Florida and Georgia. What sorts of things
can you learn from them?
- Right Whale Migration
Update: March 1, 2000
Calf sightings few in Georgia and Florida, but why? Put those minds to work. Can this be related to our world weather
patterns? Babies of this animal are so precious! Learn why scientists are so careful when they are out on a tagging
mission. And, learn the language of the 'Beaufort Sea States'.
- Right Whale Migration
Update: February 16, 2000
The saga of the right whale is one of many ups and downs. So far this year, few calves have been sighted. New England
Aquarium's Right Whale Research Group uses planes and boats to search and identify whale individuals. Share a report
from their sighting team. Weather can be a big factor for successful right whale sighting.
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