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Journey North News
- FINAL Tulip Garden Update: May 19, 2000
Take a look at this final snapshot of spring's journey north. A few gardens just reporting tulips
emerging. Some still aren't even showing themselves at all! Try this creative assessment tool to wrap up this long-term
tulip project. And some helpful hints for using those old bulbs for new experiments next year. A BIG thank you
to all you helpful tulip gardeners!
- Tulip Garden Update: May 12, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates. Use the data below to make your own map,
or print and analyze our map. How far north has spring traveled now?
- Tulip Garden Update: May 5, 2000
Check the map to see which Official Journey North Tulip Garden is still sleeping. When do you suppose
it will FINALLY bloom? Kindergartners predict bloom height with this clever method. Bobcat scent to keep skunks
out of the garden? Plants in space, and a wise teacher uses student brainstorming as a springboard to next year's
study of the planets!
- Tulip Garden Update: April 28, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates. Use the data below to make your own map,
or print and analyze our map. How far north has spring traveled now?
- Tulip Garden Update: April 21, 2000
Spring is showing off its red blossoms as we progress through April, but for the garden in Utsjoki,
Finland, there are still 30 inches of snow covering the tulips! Are critters tasting your tulips? Skunks, rabbits,
and, oh my!, Moose are showing up looking for a tender treat. Learn to capture those critters footprints. See how
one class chose to experiment with their plantings. And, which direction do plants grow in space?
- Tulip Garden Update: April 14, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates. Use the data below to make your own map,
or print and analyze our map. How far north has spring traveled now?
- Tulip Garden Update:
April 7, 2000
Gardens are beginning to bloom around the country; we have proof! Some of you experimented with
upside-down tulip plantings. What happens under all that soil? Try a simple classroom experiment: Follow the Zig-Zag
Trail. Young scientists tell us "NO" do not water our Journey North gardens! And, the wisdom of native
plants all wrapped up in a fantastic fable.
- Tulip Garden Update: March 31, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates. Use the data below to make your own map,
or print and analyze our map. How far north has spring traveled now?
- Tulip Garden Update:
March 24, 2000
Students are delighted to find gardens emerging when they return from March break. One of our gardeners
sent us a fantastic game: Move Over Waldo! See if you can figure out where the 9 mystery tulip site classrooms
are located using their clues. And, take time to observe the unfolding of spring with a fun Art Project that integrates
art, science and creative writing!
- Tulip Garden Update: March 17, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates. How far north has spring traveled now?
- Tulip Garden Update: March 10, 2000
Spring continues to march across the continent--and has already arrived in Haines, Alaska! Last
week's warm spell may have tricked your tulips into believing spring had arrived. But how did the native plants
in your region respond? Write a fable with a lessons that a tulip could learn from a wise, wild native plant.And
let's vote: Should Journey North gardeners be allowed to water their gardens?
- Tulip Garden Update: March 3, 2000
Just a quick update today to give you the latest data for your map. Watch for these "data only"
updates every other week, between our regularly scheduled tulip updates.
- Tulip Garden Update: February 25, 2000
Florida tulips are the 1st to Bloom! This may come as no surprise, but what about the gardens up
north in Oregon and Washington, where tulips have already emerged? Spring is well on its way, with tulips now growing
in 52 gardens---but which way is spring going?
- Tulip Garden Update: February 11, 2000
The first tulips of 2000 have emerged! But before you look, guess where they are...How long does
it take a tulip to grow? It should be easy to answer that question using information from a few Journey North gardens.
But what's going on here?
- Tulip Garden Update: January 14, 2000
All Journey North gardens are planted at last, and the grand total is now 300! Now when do you suppose
the first tulips will emerge---and whose will they be...? "Normal" is not a word that can describe winter
in many parts of North America this year. How do you think the warm winter could affect the tulips underground?
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