Report Daylight Monthly
Back to Daylight Map

1. Report for dates listed at right.

2. Find your sunrise/sunset: Look-up

3. Calculate your daylength.

4. Report your daylength: Select "Daylight"



  • How does daylight change in your part of the world as the Earth revolves around the Sun? Share and compare observations with people around the globe. Explore how changes in sunlight cause the seasons.
Dates to Report

September 22 (Equinox)
October 20
November 20
December 21 (Solstice)
January 20
February 20
March 20 (Equinox)
April 20
May 20
June 20

Map is set to display data for these dates only.


Look-Up Sunrise/Sunset Sunlight and the Seasons Sunlight and the Seasons Mystery Class: Tracking Sunlight to Solve a Mystery Explore Map Report Daylight Journey North Home Page