Latitude, Longitude and Distance Traveled
Instructions for Students

The latitude and longitude data from satellite-tracked animals may be difficult to understand at first. For example, if an animal's latitude changes by 1 degree, how far did it move? The measurements outlined in Chart #1 and Chart #2 will help you interpret the data you'll receive during migration.

1. Measure Latitude Changes at 40 N (Chart #1)
On a map, measure the change in distance when the LATITUDE changes by 1 degree. For example, begin at 40 N and measure the distance to 41 N. Next figure the distances when latitude changes by .1 degrees and .01 degrees. (You can do the math in your head; you don't need to measure on a map.) Record your data on Chart #1.

2. Measure Longitude Changes at 40 N (Chart #1)
Now measure the distances on a map when the LONGITUDE changes by 1 degree, from 72 W to 73 W for example. Then figure the distance involved when longitude changes by .1 and .01 degrees shown. (Again, you can do the math in your head; you don't need to measure on a map.) Record your data on Chart #1.

3. Compare Measurements at Different Latitudes (Chart #2)
On Chart #2, do the same measurements but at the various latitudes shown.

4. Keep Your Charts!
Keep your completed chart handy for use with satellite-data.